The Wolf
by Bob Williams
The Wolf
Bob Williams
Painting - Clayboard Engraving
Clayboard Engraving is very labor intense. First you draw what you would like your clayboard to be your piece to look like. Then tranfer it over to a piece of clayboard. Thats when the fun starts, I like to use a saddle needle to scrape off the black material from the clay board.......but you have to think backwards from your pencil piece. What you want dark you leave, not fill in. What you want light you mark,not ignore. So after scratching the clayboard like a chicken for days you are done. Well maybe not because you can leave the clayboard black and white or you could color it with inks or acrylic paints.Thank you for taking time to read this long introduction on clayboard and visting my site..
March 1st, 2014